On November 12, 2016, the A.C.T.S Team went in two vans to outreach in the area by the Calamba church and its outstation in Kay Anlog. They ate breakfast, then cleaned the Calamba church and divided into groups before evangelism. The A.C.T.S students and young people of the Calamba church then went out with the mindset and goal to have Bible studies and invite the people they came in contact with to church. After lunch, the team prepared to go to Kay Anlog which is about one hour from the Calamba church. They again had the same method--they invited the people they came in contact with to go to church. The A.C.T.S students taught 72 first time children visitors inside and outside of the Kay Anlog church. The small house could not contain all 72 children at one time to they had to divide into 3 groups to teach all of the children!!! God is good!! At the service, some of the A.C.T.S students testified about the goodness of God in their lives, bro Minh testified about the goodness of God, and Pastor Bugay preached a message. Afterwords, the A.C.T.S students and young people had dinner, games, and fun time at the church. Keep the A.C.T.S students and young people in prayer as they diligently work to spread the Gospel!
On August 15-16, 2015, the ACTS Evangelism Team went out to the Calamba church to help out with evangelism. That next Sunday, there were 38 first-time visitors in service! God is doing a great work!